Salutations loyal readers!
Yesterday we had yet another fantastic shabbat here at Camp Modin. Our day started with some delicious French Toast sticks, a classic Camp Modin breakfast. We then were treated to services outside led by Cantor Sheera Ben-David. Luckily, the weather was stunning and we were able to enjoy a beautiful service together on the shores of Salmon Lake.
After services, the full camp assembled in the Friendship Circle for an activity led by the Apes: Run The Risk! Run the Risk is a game show type activity where there are a number of different small challenges for campers to complete. For example, one of the activities was an Oreo face challenge, where one member from each lower unit bunk placed an Oreo on their forehead and attempted to get it into their mouths without their hands. Another activity was the classic balloon pop. Participants had to pop a balloon without using their hands. Needless to say, it was a hilarious for all parties involved. The winners of each competition were able pick a prize out of a hat! Some classic Camp Modin prizes included piggy-back rides to lineup, a wood-chip, double waterski, and canteen!

Saturday Night’s activity was the annual Paddle Ceremony. Paddle Ceremony happens the night before the Apes embark on Ape Trip, a four day, three night trip down the St. Croix River. The Apes won’t have any contact with the outside world and will be led down the river by Bob Morrison, our longtime Aquatics Director. Paddle Ceremony is an important tradition at Camp and is a night where we honor all of the Apprentices. One by one the Apes are called to the stage and Howie makes a short speech about their camper experience. The night is extremely moving and meaningful, as Ape trip could perhaps be the longest standing tradition here at Modin. The night ends with all of the current Apes, along with anyone who went down the river on an Ape trip, leading the camp in our Alma Maters. As three previous Apprentices, we all can attest to how much Paddle Ceremony means to the Apes. It stands as the culmination of the camper experience here at Modin.

We have added a new feature to the blog: the comments section! Feel free to leave any questions below that you’d like answered in our future blogs!
We’ll be back later with another blog post! We hope you are all doing well!
Signing off,
Molly, Sarah, Harrison