Dear Families and Friends,
In many ways, we have never felt as fortunate to be at camp and with each other as we do now. This past Saturday night, Howie announced to the Modin community during Havdalah that the entire camp has tested negative for Covid (check out Modin’s social media for the video)! These are the results that we have all dreamed about, and we are now able to fully enjoy camp as we know and love it! While we remain vigilant moving forward, we are now in high gear with our camp programs and all is back to normal on the shores of Salmon Lake.
On July 9th, Modin campers escaped from their undeniably crazy and hectic world. We left a world full of social distancing, mask wearing, and uncertainty, and entered into our beloved camp environment. Now, we are able to enjoy life and camp as we once knew it: we play World Cup soccer games against other bunks, we dance our way through “silent disco” parties at night, and we participate in activities that we love through our free-choice program. Even more, we take a break from technology and the media and headlines, trading in our phones for face-to-face interaction with our best friends in the world. Gratitude and appreciation for this incredible opportunity and experience is in the air!

So how have we been spending our mask-free days? Last night we introduced a new evening program to the community: the Modin Film Festival! Since last Wednesday each bunk has been working together to create a 1-3 minute video to share with the camp. Last night we joined together in the Rec Center to watch these films. The Wolves did a spin-off of Drake’s “God’s Plan” music video (which features snippets of Drake giving away the entire budget allocated to his music video to those in need) in which members of the Wolves bunk gave away candy to excited campers! Bunk 1 put together an adapted version of the Bachelor, while Bunk 3 reenacted scenes from Keeping Up With the Kardashians as they sassed their way around camp! All in all the film festival was a raging success, and we hope it will one day be a widely-anticipated Modin tradition!
But last night’s excitement didn’t end with the film festival! Immediately following the final bunk video, the first Mo & Din color war psyche began with a thrilling video depicting an ocean adventure and a shipwreck. When prompted, the full camp ran towards the waterfront, where they were greeted with a jet-ski show by two of our admin members. As the excitement built, the news that Mo & Din was in fact not today became clear when one of our waterski boats passed by displaying a “Psyche!” banner. While we are not wearing our red and blue just yet, we look forward to the real Mo & Din 2020!
But wait, there’s more! The past few days of camp have been filled with inter-bunk competitions ranging from our World Cup soccer games to our Modin Madness basketball matches to our Modin Bowl flag football face offs! It has been wonderful to see all of the campers once again engaging in games and healthy competition!

Check back soon for an update on today’s in-person B’nai Mitzvah celebration for our campers who’s in-person celebrations were canceled this spring!
All our love,
Molly, Sarah, and Harrison